Understanding TSH Tests

The Latest "Gold Standards" & It's Failures

Fake "Normals"

Giving a human or mammal T3 (biologically active form), T4 (storage form) thyroid or desiccated thyroid will suppress TSH, Thyroid Stimulating Hormone, but who cares? TSH is a measure of unsatisfied peripheral cells. If the thyroid gland has been so damaged by autoimmune lymphocytes, it may not be able to produce a proper molecule, due to deformation by super halogens Chlorine, Fluorine, Bromine, or Radioactive Iodine that is completely non-functional at the cell level and undecipherable from correct molecules in the blood, giving us another fake "normal" to fool our testing.

This is not obvious because traditional medical testing looks from the wrong direction, see? TSH is, in traditional oriental medicine metaphor-"the baby crying". Since TSH is only a measure of a feedback mechanism, I take a low TSH as a measure of success!! If TSH is low, the cells are satisfied and are not crying out for more thyroid. TSH is an indicator (and that's all), of our success with supplementation.

Traditional medicine looks from the wrong direction, see?

And, don't forget, there may be batches of thyroid that are bad, too - containing "faker" molecules w/ Fluorine, Chlorine, or Bromine or Radioactive Iodine halogens, since the animals thyroid which made from are subject to this exposure, and our testing cannot detect these in quality controls. We cannot help this either. Only our body knows for sure and it doesn't lie! To many damaged molecules may precipitate an autoimmune response as well and make TSH go up, even with "supposedly adequate" thyroid supplementation.

In many autoimmune cases like mine, all of the iodine in the world won't fix a damaged gland. I tried it. It will only stress the sick gland more by giving high doses, and this can itself precipitate another autoimmune response. Once you have clones in the thymus for one autoantibody, others pop up easily to other organ or tissue targets. It's a difficult balance to control - and different with every case.

If we could figure a way to rid the body of other unwanted halogens, we'd have a shot at a true"fix up job". Unfortunately, our body's "special forces end up destroying the city buildings to get to these snipers." This is because these super halogens are biochemically locked in our tissues by virtue of their look alike halogen electron clouds - which are the true chemical binding activity in all chemical reactions. The body knows they are fakes, but can't rid it of them, so it ends up destroying the whole area. This is autoimmune response. See why it's a difficult problem?


For most people and mammals, iodine in specialized vitamin/mineral supplements like those in Vita Royal's program will raise low temperatures significantly - in about two days to two weeks. Whatever temperature it can't raise might be made up in actual thyroid supplementation. My approach is to try to get the body to do as much as it can on its own, by supplying what it needs in the way of raw materials.

Then use the big guns last, and just make up for what the body can't do - not to totally replace and shut down the body's own ability, like conventional medicine does with drug intervention.

If you interfere with the body's natural controls and feedback mechanisms, generally you will make the body weak and lazy by doing things for it. This procedure also produces dependence - something that holistic medicine deplores. So - supplemental thyroid is just that. This is most often the case.

I have only seen two cases in 15 years that could go off thyroid, so I wouldn't bet on it anymore.

Thyroid supplementation is also required by low thyroid females humans and mammals who do not produce enough progesterone to balance their estrogen, resulting in many hormone symptoms. Environmental chemicals cause low Luteinizing Hormone (LH) and high prolactin suppressing LH, accelerating aging. This plus the action of additional xenoestrogens add up to retained follicles that are functional - and producing even more estrogen! These are ovarian cysts. I've personally experienced the relief that is the result of thyroid supplementation. Thyroid helps a lot. Many thyroid supplementation cases are also autoimmune cases.

Dioxins - A KEY to Thyroid Problems

There is another major thyroid interference - that of dioxins. There are at least 200 in the family that are known. A by-product of chlorine bleaching of paper products is the most common source of this thyroxine look-alike. Dioxins are known to be able to plug in to thyroid receptor sites on cells as a key into a lock. Unfortunately, they act like skeleton keys. They can turn on some receptors, but cannot turn on others. Some they can't get out of, and stay there to prevent the real, functional molecule from plugging in - in effect, deactivating the whole receptor site. Worse yet, it may be able to be bumped out and replaced by the real thing but leave the receptor site damaged, like a jiggled lock that has its tumblers screwed up inside from a bad key, so that even the real key now will not work.

Or - if you get lucky, the receptor site can be bumped free by real thyroid and become activated. Compromised receptor sites that may be off or partially turned on (or even something else that we may not have yet observed) are responsible for the screwy results we get from blood testing. These tests really don't make sense out of T3, T4, TSH, basal temps and other measurements. These dioxins interfere with not only direct biochemistry pathways but also feedback and other regulatory pathways, really buggering things up.

The BIG Picture

Xenoestrogens (and now discovered xeno-androgens) also work in the estrogen and androgen receptor sites like dioxins do thyroid sites. So you can see why the endocrine system is in deep trouble. It's the whole BIG picture that needs to be understood; it's complicated and becoming more so every day.

This whole thyroid problem has been so insidious, creeping in over the past 30 or so years, that labs have simply changed our "normals" to those of population statistics, now, rather than guidelines for optimal biochemistry! That's right.

Again, we need a new thinking process - a new operating system for our mental computers, so to speak. In a word - medicine is a MESS. That's why it's getting such a bad reputation, opening doors like never before to alternative methods that deal with more of the multi-directional and synergistic predisposing factors that respond to our tools, and not to orthodox medicine's "magic bullets". People are desperate and turning away to other methods because the old ones simply don't work any more.


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